DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.


The Academic Work section offers insight into 

                   CUNY's Disability Studies program.

    In the About Me section, I shared that I like notebooks. The picture on the right: these are my DSAB program notebooks. Each notebook contains weekly readings and assignments for each course.


The two rows of books pictured below are the actual

           thought-provoking textbooks and the research support materials I used for assignments and writing papers.


The table below outlines
         the semester I took the class, the course ID and title, and the professor.

         Each class in the Course Title column contains a course specific hyperlink
                                                    (all hyperlinks are highlighted in yellow).

                    Within each hyperlink is an explanation of the curriculum of each of my Disability Studies classes as well as examples of my academic products and personal reflections related to the unique knowledge and experience gained through that course.
      The Professor column contains hyperlinks to that individual's academic webpage.



Course ID

Course Title


Spring 2014

DSAB  601

Psychosocial, Cultural and Political Aspects of Disability

Mark Friedman

Spring 2014

DSAB  602

Embodiment and Disability

Devva Kasnitz

Spring 2014

DSAB  605

Disability and Diversity

Julie Maybee

Summer 2014

DSAB  628

Disability Studies
in Education

April Coughlin

Summer 2014

DSAB  651

Disability in the
History of Cinema

Mark Schwartz

Fall 2014

DSAB  603

Disability and the
Family Life Cycle

Justine   Pawlukewicz

Fall 2014

DSAB   629

Students with Disabilities in Higher Education

Kevin Tucker

Fall 2014

DSAB  611

Qualitative Research Methods in Disability

Rachel Liebert

Spring 2015

DSAB  626

Disability Law
and Policy

Jaclyn Okin Barney, Esq.

Spring 2015

DSAB   699

Capstone Course

Katie DeFoe


Disability Studies Program Goals

     The overarching goal of CUNY's Disability Studies program is to
               enable students to become reflective, knowledgeable and flexible
          professionals, researchers or educators in their chosen disability-related field.


Upon completion of the program, students will be able:

  •  To provide students with a rigorous, liberal arts degree that analyzes disability and society using a multidisciplinary approach.
  • To provide an opportunity for advancement for individuals who are interested in working with and for people with disabilities and their families. 
  • To graduate students who will protect and further the rights of people with disabilities.
  • To prepare graduates to critically examine issues related to the interplay between disability and various aspects of culture and society.
  • To prepare service providers, researchers, advocates, and policy makers to play leadership roles in disability related systems such as public education,
    rehabilitation and human and social services.



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.