DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.


School of Professional Studies

Social Media in the Workplace 2013 Survey



This was a descriptive non-experimental research. The research methodology was an IRB approved online survey. Survey objective was to gather information about social media in the workplace. Respondents were recruited by email or social media from a non-probability convenience sampling that included students from CUNY's School of Professional Studies, coworkers, friends and family of the senior research class. A hyperlink to the survey was included in the recruiting email and social media post.


           In the survey's introduction, participants were informed that the purpose of the survey was to gather information about social media in the workplace.  Respondents were also informed that there were no potential risks, benefits or compensation for their participation and of their right to refuse or terminate participation at any time.  Participants were assured of the survey's anonymity. They were informed that by starting the survey informed consent was given. Results of the survey were made available upon request.


For the purposes of this Capstone’s thesis statement: Employers who don’t have a basic understanding of labor related laws are at increased risk for legal liabilities, survey analysis will be limited to questions pertaining to workplace policies, as they relate to labor related laws.


            Thirty six multiple choice questions were formulated to gather information about the general topic of social media in the workplace.  All questions included a comment and or other response option. A total of 271 respondents between the ages of 18 and 65 self administered the on line survey. Survey data was collected for one week in April 2013. 


           Materials used for this research were a computer with an Internet connection.  Respondents used their own personal computer or other Internet capable device in a location of their own choosing to take the survey.  There was no personal interaction between respondents and researcher.


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.