Page Date Updated Updated By Comments Last Comment
arrow Capstone Project 09/30/21 5:04 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow Introduction 09/30/21 4:59 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow A Brief History of Social Media 09/30/21 5:07 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow What is social media? 10/01/21 3:45 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow How did Social Media start? 09/30/21 5:03 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow What are the impacts of Social Media? 10/01/21 3:26 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow Social Media in the Workplace 09/30/21 5:02 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow Positive and negative sides of social media in the workplace 10/02/21 2:25 am Elizabeth Addis 2 07/04/13 11:44 pm
Displaying 2 of 2 comments
  • 2. 07/04/13, 11:44 pm

    Says: "Congratulations on being selected for e-portfolio's showcase. Great job!!! "

  • 1. 05/17/13, 08:15 pm

    Says: "Great and detailed presentation. The issue of privacy seems to be most important in the minds of users whereas employers are mostly concerned with productivity and security of their trade secrets. There are positive and negative outcomes for both employers and employers. You've detailed a few very well in this essay. When it comes to social media the risks for users and employers are initially hidden but with increased adaptations by corporations and use by employees these risk and or liabilities are revealed. When using social media in the workplace employers have no expectation of privacy but when away from work we expect a high level of privacy. In contrast, employers have a right to monitor Internet use in the workplace. However, as you have mentioned this creates low moral with employees and conveys a lack of trust from employers. Finding that sweet spot is the challenge for both employers and employees. You've done a great job in explaining the pros and cons of employee use of social media as it relates to privacy and the workplace monitoring."

arrow Is social media the new 'productivity paradox'? 09/30/21 5:06 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow Employer Policies on Social Media 10/01/21 10:55 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow Survey Data Analysis 10/01/21 3:50 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow Survey Data 10/01/21 3:43 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow Conclusions 09/30/21 4:58 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow Sources 10/01/21 3:25 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow Reflections 10/01/21 1:29 pm Elizabeth Addis 0
arrow About Me 09/30/21 5:04 pm Elizabeth Addis 0