WARNING: This ePortfolio is currently being used as a template. Published changes or deletions will affect new ePortfolios created from this template.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Your Capstone ePortfolio is intended to be your way of communicating what you have learned in your Master's program to me, other faculty, your fellow students, and anyone else you choose.  


This Capstone template contains some sections and suggestions to help you think about what you'd like to include in your ePortfolio.  The sections at the top represent assignments for you to complete during this semester (see the Assignments schedule below).  


Before you start, you should take time to review the information about ePortfolios on the SPS web site.  Here's how to find the information:




You can also access EPortfolio resources from the SPS web site:



student services


academic resources


ePortfiolio Resource Website



How to Name Your ePortfolio:  Please use this naming convention:

your first and last name, followed by the course name, number and semester:

James Jones Disability Studies 499 F 2014


Since the purpose of this ePortfolio is for your to display and discuss your work, you'll need to tell the reader about the work you did in the program (the courses you took, representative assignments you completed, and what you learned).  Most of this work could be placed in the "academic portfolio" section. 


Although I've included some suggestions for you, you don't have to complete these sections according to my template - this is YOUR ePortfolio!!  I would like you to include additional information that is relevant to you, so you can change the order of the pages, or incorporate information in a different format -  as long as you communicate what you learned in your coursework.  And you should browse through other ePortfolios - both the Disability Studies Capstone ePortfolios and others you'll find in the Directory - for ideas for your own ePortfolio.


The most challenging assignment is the "Reflections" section.  You should feel free to be creative while developing your ePortfolio - you can use video, text, pictures, powerpoint presentations or combinations of all of these.


NOTE:  After you finish your ePortfolio, you should delete this Assignment section, so the first page readers see is the "Welcome" page (or another page that you choose to be the 'landing page' of your ePortfolio).




DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.






First:                       Introduction E EPortfolios

                               logistics, ePortfolio advisors, other resources.


                               Please read the EPortfolio Guide and review videos about setting up your ePorftolio on the web site.  Look at other ePortfolios on the Digication web site.




October  6                  Welcome section should be completed 


October 20                 About Me section should be completed (class will meet)


November 3               2 -3 Academic Portfolio pages should be completed


November 17             All Academic Portfolio pages should be completed


December 1               Reflections section should be completed



December  8              Revisions of ePortfiolios based on comments


December 15             Completed ePorfolio will be graded.







Grammar and Presentation 


The ePortfolio represents a thoughtful integration of Disability Studies courses and philosophy. It is creative and substantive and demonstrates excellence in fulfilling Program Goals.  The reflection pieces are interesting and present new ways of thinking about Disability Studies.

The ePortfolio clearly demonstrates a deep understanding of the MA program material and relevance to Program Goals.

The ePortfolio is interesting, compelling and well organized.  It has no spelling or grammatical errors.  The work displayed is interesting and varied, incorporating visual and audiovisual elements.


The ePortolio demonstrates a thoughtful response however, evidence/examples are missing or inaccurate.  It does not represent Disability Studies as well.  Reflections do not seem as interesting, or as relevant to the course material. It is not as compelling.

The ePortfolio demonstrates a somewhat  superficial connection to Program Goals.

The ePortfolio is well organized, but has minor errors in grammar or spelling.


The  ePortfolio does not clearly demonstrate a connection to Disability Studies Program Goals.  Reflections are missing or superficial.

The work displayed in the ePortfolio is not relevant to the topic.  The connection between Disability Studies courses is unclear or not well developed.

The portfolio is disorganized, has serious errors in grammar or spelling.  It is not compelling or attractive to the reader.


Sections are missing, or  issues of academic honesty or integrity are involved.






DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.