DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.
In this space you can post your film papers only AFTER they have been corrected by your instructor. You can create links on the left hand side called "HMK 1 or Blog 2, etc." Here will have to also deposit your assignment called Reflection. This assignment is to be done orally using a digital recorder. Please consult podcast page on this ePortfolio.

1) You need to record your assignment, then cut and paste link/audio file on your page.


2) You also need to add a photo to this page, a photo that for you supports your arguments and views.



 Now that you have watched all of these films what are your views about Italian cinema? What did your learn that you did not know before? Were these films able to capture the Italian socio-historical change that took place from 1945 to 1990? If yes, can you make a couple of examples? Which film did you enjoy the most ? Please explain. Lastly please comment on the recording experience, do you think an oral assignment is helpful to the learning process? Be thoughful, precise and informative in your oral reflection and analysis.

Speak for no less then 5 minutes and no more than 10.

Another type of reflection...

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.